Resistance, Main Titles
Main Titles for Resistance (Rebellion Series Two), Commissioned by RTÉ

Resistance, Main Titles
Main Titles for Rebellion Series 2 (Resistance). Designed and Directed whilst in Windmill Lane. 3D Modelling by Frantisek Valouch and Chris McLoughlin. Photogrammetery by Andrea Arice. Series Director Catherine Moorshead, Produced by Catherine Magee. Post-Production Producer Clodagh McCarthy

Moodboard Research Imagery
The central concept of the sequence was to 'project' the ghost of national memory (the events of 1916 culminating in the Easter Rising, and it's broader international context) onto poignant ordinary household objects and identifiable Dublin landmarks. This allowed us to draw a link between the political themes of the show and the human characters living through them.

Moodboard Research Imagery (Typography)

Early concept frames investigating mood, composition and typography